New Page

The "page" here refers to the module that is configured with routing and can be directly accessed through the link. If you want to create a new page, you can usually perform simple configuration on the basis of scaffolding.

Manually create

Add ts, less files

Create a new js, less file under src / pages. If there are multiple related pages, you can create a new folder to place the related files.

+ NewPage.js
+ NewPage.less

For a better demonstration, we initialize the contents of NewPage.js as follows:

export default () => {
return <div>New Page</div>;

Don’t add content to the style files in this document for now, you can also try to add content yourself.

The style file uses CSS Modules by default. If necessary, you can import [antd less variable]( -design/ant-design/blob/master/components/style/themes/default.less) at the head of the file:

@import '~antd/lib/style/themes/default.less';

This makes it easy to get the antd style variables and use them in the file, which can maintain the consistency of the page and help implement custom themes.

New layout

In scaffolding, we implement layout templates by nesting routes. config.ts is an array, where the first level of data is our layout, If you need to add a new layout, you can directly add a new first-level data.

export default [
// user
// app
// new

Add files to menus and routes

The menu in Bigfish's default layout is generated based on the route in routes.ts, so we can configure the route and the menu will also be generated.

We need to use component in routes.ts to configure our page to route.

export default [
path: '/user',
component: '../layouts/UserLayout',
routes: [
// path is supported as a url and must start with http
path: '',
target: '_blank', // Click to open a new window
name: 'Document',
// Access route, start with / as absolute path
path: '/user/login',
// ./Page ->src/pages/Login
component: './NewPage',
// Access the route, if it does not start with /, it will splice the parent route
// reg -> /user/reg
path: 'reg',
// ./Page ->src/pages/Reg
component: '../layouts/NewPage2',

After the routing configuration is completed, you can see the effect by visiting the page. If you need to display it in the menu, you need to configure name, icon, hideChildrenInMenu, etc. to assist in generating the menu.

The specific values ​​are as follows:

-name:string The name of the configuration menu. If internationalization is configured, name is the internationalization key. -icon:string The chart of the configuration menu uses the antd icon name by default, and the icon of the secondary menu is not applicable by default. -access:string permissions configuration, you need to configure permissions in advance -hideChildrenInMenu:true is used to hide child routes that do not need to be displayed in the menu. -hideInMenu:true can not show this route in the menu, including sub-routes. -hideInBreadcrumb:true can not show this route in breadcrumbs, including sub-routes. -headerRender:false The current route does not show the top bar -footerRender:false The current route does not display the footer -menuRender: false The current route does not display the menu -menuHeaderRender: false The current route does not display the menu top bar -flatMenu child items are raised, but the parent menu is not displayed

Use iconFont in the menu

To use the iconFont icon must meet two conditions

-Pass in an iconFont url link -The icon name must start with icon-

Configuration in src/app.tsx:

export const layout: RunTimeLayoutConfig = ({ initialState }) => {
return {
iconfontUrl: '//',

The connection of iconfontUrl needs to be obtained from the official website of iconfont


Configuration in routing:

icon:'icon-home', // need to start with icon-

After the layout and routing are configured, go back to the newly created NewPage.js, and you can start writing business code!